Emeth- for being adorable.
HMCC (Harvest Missions Community Church)- for providing a communtiy, a family that I can turn to
Joanna, Sa

Joanna- for being the first person to call me up from HMCC and talk. and giving me that amazing head massage. and picking me up off the street to go to ACCESS.
Yoon Sun- for making my first experience at Flat Tops so wonderful. and letting us eat all her eggs and toast.
P. Jimmy and Peter- for answering my questions
Jeka Hwang- for eating with me, talking with me, praying with me, keeping strong, and sharing the Pamelo, and giving me brown sugar for my oatmeal

Bethanie Lee- for her cheerfulness, graciousness, and love. Oh, and proof reading my paper at 7:30am and letting me use her printer. And for giving me that last piece of sushi!
Juhae, Rachel, Katharine, and Yoon Sun- for letting me crash at their place
Juhae Lee- for texting me to study at Monty Lounge with her, giving me free Wendy's root beer float, tucking me in, and forcing me to use her towel.
Nikki- for her passion for the Word and encouraging me to have the same passion to follow Christ EVERYDAY. and for challenging me to question my faith and seek the truth.
Dad- for the deep(er) conversations we've had since I've been in college

Skype- so I can talk to my sister, Carrie, more and encourage Min Hee to do her hwk.
Elizabeth Chung- giving me so much joy when I'm around her. and attempting to run to the beach with me. And being one of the first girl in AAIV (from the picnic) to reach out to me.
Min hee Lee- for being so caring. giving me ice water when I got hot flashes, giving me the best back massage just when I needed it, praying with me (whether at 8am or 9pm)

Christine- for being SUPER cool and being as if we've been bffs for ever even though I just met her this year.
Kevin Kuo, Matt Zhang, Sarah Reese- for calling me to eat Jake's HOT wings and hang out
Alyson Kung- for being ridiculously cute beyond belief
Sharon Hong- for treating me to Massa's, buying me a bus ticket, and the wonderful conversation we had.
Grace Yu- for praying for me at AAIV Fall Retreat.
Julie- for teaching me the "Fried Pannoli" (Korean game) at AAIV Retreat

CLOUDZ- for the delicious food and championship medals from Mini-O's

Tia- for being an awesome "Tank"
Stella Lee- for accidentally sacrificing herself in Dodgeball at H-Games. for playing ping pong with me and working out with me.
Marty- for being a cool roommate
Jessica Cordova- for letting me nap on her bed, drool on her pillow (jk!), forcing me eating her mochi, helping me with Chem., basically feeding-clothing-sheltering me.

Gloria Yum- for running with me, letting me nap on her bed and chillin in her room. for waking me up to do OWLs. and for having a cool last name. and giving me that last piece of sushi.

Julie Nicoles- for giving me a hug everytime we see each other
Amanda Griesbaum- for being a GREAT lab partner =)
Angela Suh- for her constant smile everytime I see her. for demonstrating Christ's love in the way she loves her friends and cares about people.

U-Pass- for taking me to where ever I need to go in Chicago
Anthony- for taking awesome pictures that capture the memories and wonderful times. And driving us to see the sunrise
Sox- for keeping my feet warm when I don't have shoes
Locks- for keeping the girls bathroom locked
Amanda Chang- for inviting me to see Jersey Boys on her birthday (which I didn’t know about)
Iris Lo- for letting me crash at her place and cooking with me and helping come up with my prompt for my English paper
Katharine- for making me toast with peanut butter
Ultimate Frisbee girls- for an awesome tournament and fun drive down to Missouri.
Hyunseo- for never failing to make me laugh and sharing with me despite the language barrier.

Inhae Lee- for reading my blog everyday. for being open and vulnerable to me. for teaching me how to be a friend. for making me laugh with your weird sense of humor and randomness. For getting me started on Blogging- I wouldn't be sharing this with anyone if it weren't for you getting me into blogging. For keeping my head and legs warm when we ran outside at 4am… *sigh*…there’s so much more, but I’ll save ‘em for next time. ;D

yay, I made the cut! hahaa.
how blessed you are, to be thankful for so many things ^.^
thankful for you.
and your sockless nights.
and sunrise labor.
for your concern and prayers.
skyping to see your beautiful face.
your wonderful pillow and hospitality.
and the prospective of sharing more and more experiences with you.
wait...when was i like "thanks for being a guy" to jack? did i say this in a prayer?
no, we were at Monty Lounge just chillin. and we were talking about guys and Jack was sharing his insite. and you were like, Jack, thanks for being a guy. LOL.
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