Saturday, January 31, 2009

Prison Industrial Complex

I was first introduced to this topic by my sister during my second semester of senior year in high school. Then, the topic was also discussed in my African American Politics and Culture class. And AGAIN, in my Sociology class this semester. I've been fortunate to have encountered this subject even just within my first year of college. I don't care if someone's a biology, chemistry, architecture, art, or music major, I think people are deprived of their education if they've never learned about the Prison Industrial Complex sometime in their college career. I don't know why I feel so strongly about this. Maybe because I was just so bothered by this fact when I finally understood more of it this semester. I feel like it's my obligation to inform others, to spread awareness. It's probably the only thing I can do right now. So this is why I'm writing this on a Saturday morning (not even for an assignment, but just because) when I should be doing OWL home work. =P

It is not a phenomenon, because it's been going on for years. It is a perfect example of how our society participates, reproduces, and enforces a social institution without even knowing it, ignorant of the things going around us without giving them a second thought of how it came to be. So what is it? What is the Prison Industrial Complex? We can look to Angela Davis for the answer to this question. In her article "Masked Racism: Reflections on the Prison Industrial Complex," Davis asserts that Americans are tricked into believing in the "magic" of the prison system. People are bought into thinking that imprisonment is the solution to social problems of poverty, drugs, or murder. However, "prisons do not disappear problems, they disappear human beings. And the practice of disappearing vast number of people from poor, immigrant, and racially marginalized communities has literally become BIG BUSINESS."

Basically, the prison system is a business, a systematic cooperation between the government and private corporations to gain free labor and capital. And we, being consumers and participants of a society gripped by the fear of crime, are also involved. Here’s what basically going on (some direct quotes from Davis): Prisons are being privatized (not government run) and are even held less accountable for violation of international human rights standards. Government contracts to build prisons have bolstered the construction industry. Technology developed for the military by companies are being marketed for use in law enforcement and punishment. Prison construction bond holders are also leading financier for tapping into this profitable investment. Numerous companies (such as Motorola, IBM, Compaq, Microsoft, Boeing, Victoria Secret, Chevron, Revlon, and Nordstrom) are using FREE prison labor. “For private business, prison labor is like a pot of gold. No strikes. No union organizing. No health benefits, unemployment insurance, or workers’ compensation to pay,” write Eve Goldberg and Linda Evans.

What is the effect of prison labor? Davis writes, “The penal system itself does not produce wealth. It devours the social wealth that could be used to subsidize housing for the homeless, to ameliorate public education for the poor and racially marginalized communities, to open free drug rehabilitation programs for people who wish to kick their habits, to eradicate a national health care system, to expand programs to combat HIV, to eradicate domestic abuse—and, in the process, to create well-paying jobs for the unemployed.”

There’s a whole other section about racialized criminality and how the political economy of prisons relies on colored bodies that David talks about, but I won’t get to my homework if I continue. I don’t know what I can do knowing all this. Maybe I’ll become an activist one day. But I know I’ll encounter many other causes, social problems to fight for, not just this one. I guess writing this is just a way for me to internalize things I read/learn in class. I don’t have a good way to sum this up. I just want people to know about this, too.

Daaaang (looking back on what I wrote)…. I better be able to use this as an assignment in one of my classes.

Monday, January 26, 2009

What To Do...

This past weekend and even now I've been thinking a lot of what to do in the summer. There's seriously so many things I can do. but I'm not sure what God wants me to do. HMCC if doing summer missions in Chicago this time. and i want to be apart of it because I really want to know the needs of this city and how i can serve the city. it's kinda the reason i came to UIC. to be IN the city and... iunno... I know there are so much need. but I don't know where or how. i havent gone out to volunteer at food pantries or homeless shelters. as UIC students, there are plenty of opportunities to do that. I just havent taken any of them. but anyway, I'm not sure what God is calling me to do. I need to pray more about it. please pray for me, and many people at HMCC who are still deciding as well.

AND the spring break trip to Louisiana of course. I want to go to that, too. Oy.... head hurting >.<

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blah-ing... about a lot of things

I'm at the Chicago Public Library in Downtown with Stella right now. I don't feel like doing my chem. OWL hwk, so I'm doing this instead. I've been thinking about a lot of things these past 2 weeks. some random, but some have been in my mind for a while.

we had prayer meeting each day leading up to the HMCC retreat last week. during those times, I was terribly distracted and felt sorta numb; I couldn't "feel" the holy spirit moving. I didn't have words when I tried to pray. I couldn't quite sing the songs that we were singing because I felt uneasy singing those words for some reason. I think it was because I had sins I hadn't repent at that time. I have to say, I wasn't very excited for the retreat. I was excited b/c much more UIC ppl were going this time, but now that I reflect on it, I wasn't too thrilled about encountering God. I think it all began that last week of winter break, after I came back from the LWEC retreat. I barely did anything that week, or at least anything productive. and I certainly didn't turn to God or read his word. instead I chose to watch dramas and go to my cousin's house and watch more dramas. I don't realize how much NOT seeking God for a week can affect me and my spiritual walk. Coming back to school and HMCC was tough in the sense that I knew I had deliberately lived for myself and my own pleasures that last week of break instead of living for Christ. and I found it hard turning back to him. I felt like a hypocrite, a stubburn and foolish child. I think this was why I felt distracted and numb going into the HMCC retreat.

The theme of the retreat was "Poured Out." interesting. what does it mean to be poured out? I'm still trying to understand what that means and must look like in my life. cuz to tell you the truth. I don't think I'm living a life "poured out" for Christ. It helped when P.Seth explained about the vision of the church on Sat. morning. why he really believes in church planting and especially on college campuses. and how we should choose a career in any area to be used for God's glory in very practical ways. two groups gave short presentations on Transform___ (something). but basically they are projects that we as HMCC can participate in to reach out into our communities and "transform" lives. I got really excited when Olivia and Zen were presenting about Rogers Park. I hadn't heard anyone talk about it before, so it kinda took me by surprise. but it was a good surprise. I want to get to know Olivia more. she seems really cool. actually, all the freshmens at NU seem really cool. I hope I'll get to know that better this coming semester and the years to come. but anyway, back to what i was saying about being poured out. I'm starting to catch that vision a little bit more. It's quite a Big vision and "grandios" if you think about it. but I think is biblical. It's what God calls us to do. and I think that kind of life, a life poured out for Christ, is much more exciting and purposeful (and biblical) than half-assing (or not giving it all) in this spiritual journey.

I want to live a life poured out. i do. what's stopping me? I'm pretty sure it's my pride and selfishness and self-righteousness. i often have to remind myself that I dont deserve anything. i dont deserve the blessings, the talents, the praise i receive. It's all by God's grace. but I sometimes forget. or sometimes i knowing try to take some ownership of what I've accomplished. sometimes I think I'm worthy of the praise I receive from others. sigh... Sherry, you're so foolish. thats what God tells me. and then I'm like "but... but... but..." but nothing. when I look to what Christ did on the cross, any sense of self-righteousness or worthiness is wiped away. Thank God that salvation is happening daily. Thank God for sactification. Thank God for continuingly molding me, shaping me. Thank God that He loves me enough to not let me stay as I am, but wants to change me to become a more beautiful daughter that can bring more glory to Him who saved me.

Stella is studying dilligently. I.... am not.

I've been thinking about Nikki again. I dont know if I should contact her. I still don't feel ready. what am I scared about if I know I'm holding onto the truth? I dunno. maybe cuz I still don't think I can defend it as well as she can defend hers. yet, I want to tell her the Truth of salvation by faith through grace alone, not just for her, but especially since she's teaching other people her belief on baptism, which I believe are not correct. I want to finish this book that i started talking about baptism first, and study on discipleship, what being a disciple means, and how the term is used in the bible.

I've also been thinking about the... "interesting" people that I/HMCC have encountered. like Josh the other day. that monday we came back from break, we were all eating at West side cafeteria. and this random dude Josh came by. and he's kinda different. kinda awkward. and kinda hard to talk to. and Hus. the same thing. I feel like I'm in high school, deciding to sit with the kid who no one wants to sit with at the lunch table or to sit with my friends. It's hard to say. I want to show Christ's love on 'em, but I'm kinda scared to. this led me to thinking, is God's love selective? No! God loves each and every person he created. So, why do i question myself on whether to ask them to come to HMCC? I already sense from other people from HMCC (including myself) that we don't want "that kind of people" at HMCC. that sounds kinda bad, but I'm sad to say it's kinda true. should I just invite them anyway? I feel like, HMCC already has challenges to deal with being a church plant. I don't know if bringing in people that can make it a little hard will help. but I, again, remind myself that's not a decision I should be making. and having a preconcieved notion that Hus or Josh will cause "trouble" at HMCC is also wrong. I'm totally NOT pointing the finger at anyone BUT myself right now btw. cuz I think God's been placing them on my heart cuz I keep thinking about them. I just know that I can tell that they don't have many people who are willing to talk to them, or reach out them. so when we did, they kinda held onto us like a leach. Hus immidiately took every opportunity to hang out with HMCCers at Joyees, shopping, running. and Josh kinda just followed us into Tia's room. >.< In any case, I hope to talk to P.Jimmy or someone about these concerns of mine. but one thing i gotta keep in mind is that it's not about me, or even about HMCC. it's about Jesus. its ALL about Jesus.

Oh! Barack Obama was inaugurated yesterday to become the 44th president of the U.S. Cool!

I've been craving the chicken from "Take Me Out." Mmm.... can't wait for Superbowl Sunday!

Ok, that's all the Blahing for now. OWL time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm liking my classes and teacher for the most part this semester. i decided to drop history because I felt like it's gunna be a repeat of what I learned in APUSH. i signed up for SOC 105 like 30min before that class. i took the last open spot. I'm looking forward to the class cuz we're gunna be discussing Social Problems (hence the title of the class) and Franklin (my cousin) is in it! haha. never thought I'd be in a class with my cousin. =) I'm a little nervous about Spanish cuz my teacher, Javier, says we can only speak spanish in the class room and he speaks REALLY fast. but i guess its a good thing. it's wut i wanted, to be able to speak spanish semi-fluently. or at least good enough to make conversations. i'm gunna try really hard to speak up in class. I'm excited for my Honors core class, too! i hated... well, really disliked the first semester of honors core, but this semester, my prof. seems really cool and intelligent and experienced. she's old, but she's got spunk. despite the fact that we'll be reading 8 books total this semester, which is like one book per 2 weeks, I'm looking forward to it. the class is about South Asian Literature. we'll be studying about post-colonial years in South Asia, concentrating mostly on India and Pakistan.

This semester is definitely gunna be a challenge. My classes this semester are harder, im gunna need to spend more time on hwk and reading. and I'll be working for the America Reads Program. each day are going to be full days from 8-5pm. wow. now aside from work and academics, I plan to wake up early to do QT, fit in working out each day somehow, fit in ultimate firsbee somehow, and of course there's Life Group. and if there's time, i'm thinking about joining AASIA and EVO, just to meet more people and make new friends. but it's only if i can handle it. I feel like I've done this all my HS career. people say I'm spreading myself to thin. but I really enjoy doing everything I possibly can. yes, i drop the ball sometimes cuz i have so many commitments, but i never regretted doing any of the activities cuz the memories and relationships i build are so worth it. I do need to pray for discernment. if God wants me to just focus on a few things, that I'm willing to listen and follow. or perhaps I'll just realize that I can't do it all when i become burnt out by the 5th week of school. eek. but please pray for me for better time management and that above all these things, my relationship with God comes first.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2nd Semester Kicks Off

The first day back was nice. despite not being able to fall asleep Sunday night, I got up on time to pray and spend some time in God's word, reading Isaiah. ate breakfast with Kristine, Joe, Josh, Sherry, and Martin. went to History at 10am. Jennifer (from HMCC) is in my class! Then, I went to the gym to work out with Hyun Seo. showered. napped for 1/2 hour. went to Chem from 3-5pm. had dinner with Jeka, Amber, Beth, and a bunch of AAIV people. I totally forgot about the 21 Day Daniel Fast thingy -_- I ate turkey with stuffing and cranberry..... and it was delicious =P Then, I met up with David and Tito to head over to SRH to meet up with Tia, Yoon Sun, Minnie, ooyoo, Anthony, Stella, and Josh (who we just met) and i had a 2nd dinner. i still forgot about the Fast and ate a delicious Tuna sandwich..... this was when I realized everyone was only eating vegetables and Yoon Sun finally told me. I think I forgot because I didn't really want to do it. if i did, I would have cared more and not have forgotten. but even if I don't really want to do it, I'm going to, not because other people are... well, maybe thats part of the reason, but I'm going to do the Fast because I think it's necessary, for me to focus on God. I'm gunna try Really hard to do QTs and pray everyday (esp during the fast).

Oh!! I almost forgot! two things that made my first day back EVEN better (aside from seeing everyone again).....(1) I GOT A HUG From JUHAE!!!!! Hahaha. WOohoo!! I was so excited (if u can't tell) that i held on to her as long as i could until she had to pry me off of her. haha. this was while I was walking back to my dorm after working out, and she was like... eww, you're swetty, and then pulled me off. STILL, I was overjoyed! =D
(2) I received a BIG package full of snacks and notes from the youths from my home church, CCMC. one of the note said "Hug me!"- Emeth. hehehe. this made me smile. =)
AND I received a letter from my sister from Taiwan! Taiwanese Christmas cards are the best. haha.

Thanks God!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Official Bummage This Winter Break

After the LWEC Retreat for 4 days followed by a ski/snowboarding trip for 2 days, I was ready for a day of bummage. Today (Monday), I slept till 3pm! I didn't mean to, but I haven't slept so well in a while. I was woken up by one of those "hmm... I feel very refreshed and my body feels renewed" type of thought and realized that I had overslept. But anyway, I did nothing productive except wash my 3 loads of clothes. =P Oh! and I cooked dinner for myself! I fried up some tofu with green onion and stir fried some Bok Choy. They were quite delicious might I say so myself ;) hmmm... I started a new korean drama called "On Air." My sister recommended it to me this past summer. It's ok so far. it's not as good as Hong Gil Dong. Iunno if anything can beat Hong Gil Dong actually. I miss Carrie. Carrie, I miss you! Praying for you and your job situation. I'm contemplating about whether I should go back to Taiwan this summer beginning of May.

Reasons not to: Marco and Leo won't be going back this summer, Hyung seo is going back to Korea the end of May, missions possibly in the city with HMCC, I can't really travel on my own =(, and without Dad I can't get all the free food from his buddies' stores.

Reasons to go: see Carrie, Cindy, Mom, family, Jenny and Sharon (from TAF), Kitty and Sherry possibly.