Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I'm liking my classes and teacher for the most part this semester. i decided to drop history because I felt like it's gunna be a repeat of what I learned in APUSH. i signed up for SOC 105 like 30min before that class. i took the last open spot. I'm looking forward to the class cuz we're gunna be discussing Social Problems (hence the title of the class) and Franklin (my cousin) is in it! haha. never thought I'd be in a class with my cousin. =) I'm a little nervous about Spanish cuz my teacher, Javier, says we can only speak spanish in the class room and he speaks REALLY fast. but i guess its a good thing. it's wut i wanted, to be able to speak spanish semi-fluently. or at least good enough to make conversations. i'm gunna try really hard to speak up in class. I'm excited for my Honors core class, too! i hated... well, really disliked the first semester of honors core, but this semester, my prof. seems really cool and intelligent and experienced. she's old, but she's got spunk. despite the fact that we'll be reading 8 books total this semester, which is like one book per 2 weeks, I'm looking forward to it. the class is about South Asian Literature. we'll be studying about post-colonial years in South Asia, concentrating mostly on India and Pakistan.

This semester is definitely gunna be a challenge. My classes this semester are harder, im gunna need to spend more time on hwk and reading. and I'll be working for the America Reads Program. each day are going to be full days from 8-5pm. wow. now aside from work and academics, I plan to wake up early to do QT, fit in working out each day somehow, fit in ultimate firsbee somehow, and of course there's Life Group. and if there's time, i'm thinking about joining AASIA and EVO, just to meet more people and make new friends. but it's only if i can handle it. I feel like I've done this all my HS career. people say I'm spreading myself to thin. but I really enjoy doing everything I possibly can. yes, i drop the ball sometimes cuz i have so many commitments, but i never regretted doing any of the activities cuz the memories and relationships i build are so worth it. I do need to pray for discernment. if God wants me to just focus on a few things, that I'm willing to listen and follow. or perhaps I'll just realize that I can't do it all when i become burnt out by the 5th week of school. eek. but please pray for me for better time management and that above all these things, my relationship with God comes first.

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