Saturday, March 14, 2009

Prayer Requests

I said I wouldn't blog anymore during lent, but this one isn't for me, but for some friends I've been reaching out to. I am asking all of you who read my blog to be part of this ministry of reaching out to my two friends in particular, Susan and Luci, by praying for them and for me. I have had the privilege to be able to share the Gospel to both of them via AIM/Facebook this past year. Susan accepted Christ last week! and Luci is curious and open to learning more about Christianity. Although you guys may not be in direct contact with them, you can be a part of what God wants to do in their lives by praying for them, and for me to seize those opportunities God will continue to provide to share the love of Christ to them through whatever means. please keep in mind (i'm telling myself this) that it's not about me, but God who is working, so HE deserves ALL the glory and praise! so the next time any of you see me, don't praise me for sharing the Gospel, it feeds my pride (which is an issue I've been dealing with a lot this past week), even though it's nothing to be proud of since that's what we should be doing ALL the time. But just ask how Susan and Luci are doing and how you can pray for them. That would be more encouraging for me, knowing that you guys are praying for them.

So, here are some prayer requests for them:

- sprititual protection as a new believer from sprititual attacks
- for doors to open for her to get connected to community at HMCC
- breaking the resistance from parents for her to go to church
- to know Jesus more as her personal Lord and Savior and realize the fulness of His love for her

Luci (list she shared with me):
- for her to come to know Christ as Lord and Savior
- dealing with self-esteem and self-image issues
- lacking motivation to do good in school and even stay in college
- hurt from her past relationship


anthonyyoon said...

where's the update?!

Sherryberry said...

I gave up blogging for lent cuz I spent too much time turning to blogging rather than spending time with God. I've been journaling more and writing out my prayers. I'll be back after lent... hopefully. we'll see.