My lettuce seeds have begun to sprout! its quite exciting, but I can't say I've done much work. In fact, God has done most of the work for me as the rain and sun have been taking turns appearing. However, I only go visit my garden once a a day at most. I kinda forgot about it over the weekend, and as a result, my basil plant pretty much died. I know gardening has many parallels with life, but the current one God is challenging me with is prayer. The way I gardening is very much like my prayer life. long story short, I pretty much don't care about it. I don't make any special effort to set aside time to pray. well, not constantly of course. However, with the help of my cousin Roger and Jaeson Ma's blog, I am reminded once again the importance of prayer. I think praying can feel like staring at a plant grow all day... it feels like its gunna take forever to see some result, but after a week or a month, there will be a big difference. maybe a sprout will show, maybe a fruit will bear. but the process takes patience, dedication, and... trust. Praying is loving.
I had many other things in mind, but thats all I can think of for now. OH! I watched Julie and Julia two days ago. I LOVED IT! ill talk more bout it next time.
1 comment:
cool insight sherry!
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