Friday, May 22, 2009

For Me

To tell you the truth, I was gunna to give up bloggin cuz i wasn't gettin any comments for a while. I thought, what's the point if ppl aren't reading? and if they ARE reading, why write if they don't care enough to leave a comment? selfish. i know. but that's just kinda how i am when it comes to blogging. If ppl aint gunna care for it, i'd rather just write in my journal. BUT I think i should do this for me... i guess. it might help me sort out my thoughts through out the yr. or just take up more of my time. still deciding tho...


"I guess" has been my favorite phrase these past few days.

I was at a Grace's memorial and and Jeff's mom's funeral this past weekend, and i just can't help but to think about my own death. I'm not being morbid or wutever. but just kinda fun to think about. I really hope there will be a celebration at my memorial, too. with people dancing, jumpin up and down, and singing their hearts out. I'd wanna hear people sing Israel Houghton's "Rejoice!" song at my memorial/funeral while im up there with Jesus. I love that song!

I finally rode?/rid?/past-tense-of-ride? on my scooter around campus today. i love it! it's kinda ghetto cuz the handles are slippin off and its rusty. but it gets me places 3x as fast and is easier to maneuver than a skateboard. except i cant figure out how to fold it. wutever, its fun to be on wheels =) sorry, Inhae ;P

i reallllly want a djeme, or just ANY percussion instrument to play on. Oh dear drums, when will we finally meet??

poems, lyrical, and spoken word? i wanna learn. I love Lauryn Hill. keep writin poems Minhee!

Family... Jesus answers prayers. but still SO MUCH more work to be done. quick update: my parents got into a huge fight last saturday. didnt want to talk to each other, talk about giving up. My Uncle who's been trying to help them communicate came back from Houston called yesterday, told me he's gunna keep helping and encouraging me to support my parents. He went over to my house yesterday and sat down with both of em apparently. I got a call last night from my dad in tears telling me that things are gunna be ok. They talked it out and they're gunna keep trying to mend their relationship. My mom was in tears, too. and so was my uncle. So I have no idea what went down, but I know it's God's mercy and grace every step forward they take. Thank you Lord for providing my Uncle to help share the burden. and thank you for all the people that kept my family and I in their prayers. and for brothers and sisters that are comforting me and encouraging me along the way.


Anonymous said...

@uI'm glad you're writing for you.
Yay, for this post overall and for your parents. God is faithful.

There's going to be a partayy at your funeral/memorial. no worries, sherry.

michael.go.yee said...

hi there. just letting you know i read this. thankful for hearing about how God is working. =)

Anonymous said...

"I guess" is one of my favorite phrases to use too ^_^ haha
I'm glad your blog is up and running again. I wasn't ever sure if you'd come back to it, but you have! I'm excited >.<
I will be checking it at least once a week now.
And I agree with Minhee, there will be a partayy at your funeral/memorial. Lots of dancing, lots of people, lots of memories to celebrate!

Andrew D said...

sherry! I really miss you and the rest of the Chicago people.. God is faithful, and He demonstrates that to us over and over again! :)

Keep blogging! :)

Aran Yoo said...

sup sherry you didn't know that I was reading your blog huh? I'm glad you're continuing.

I'm thinking of getting a scooter too! Lets bring it back into style.

Irene Sun said...


i still check! =) after our little comment exchange the other day, it got me thinking.

i felt the same way about blogging too... but you made me realize that i actually have a friend who checks! yay. so i started a new blog. with new purposes:

1. i will focus on writing for the purpose of serving others, things that encouraged and built me up that i would like to share to encourage and build others up.

2. i want to be a fruitful tree that cares not where my fruits are going to fall, whether squirrels or kings are going to eat my fruit, whether my fruits are going to be appreciated. just focus on bearing and bearing -- for his glory!! so this includes my blog posts. and many, many other things.

conclusion-- you are a very fruitful person, Sherry. whether or not you blog. but when you do, we are here to read!

c30lin said...

Even though I'm a few months late, I do read your blog. Actually, I've been checking and waiting to see when will be the next time you blog. Since we don't have time to really check up on each other anymore, reading your blog helps me keep in touch with you, helps me know what you are thinking and how you're feeling. It keeps me connected with you, and I really need that (more than you realize). So keep it up! and I'll try to update mine too! :P Love ya Sis! Take care!