Monday, November 10, 2008

Catch Up

Here are some things that's been going on this past 2-3 weeks. I just haven't had time to post 'em up. So here it is... all at once!

1. Barack Obama was elected as President on Nov. 4, 2008

I am happy to be a part of history. Over 270,000 people were in Grant Park to celebrate. The atmosphere there must have been SO exciting. But I’ll never forget some of the tears that rolled down the eyes of some of the African Americans, both young and old. However, I can’t’ help to be cynical when people say that anything is possible now that we have a black president. There’s a lot I can say about this topic, but I’ll save it for some other time.

2. Nikki…

I’ve been meeting up with my friend Nikki about once a week to do bible study, QT, or just share with each other. She a junior and we actually met at Servants small group. She’s been a great encouragement in my life because God is so evidently working in her life even just within this first semester of school. And she really encourages me to do my QTs.

3. The Car Ride Back

Last Tuesday night, after I went home that day to vote, Dad and I have a very good conversation on the car ride back to UIC. We talked about Mom, Carrie, Taiwan, the necessity of a Church community (but I don’t think he understood what I was trying to say with this one), and faith in general. Oh ya, I tried to get him to understand that a Christian lifestyle needs community because God didn’t intend for Chrsitians to walk alone. I don’t think he’s gotten it yet, but he’s open and trying to understand. He thinks a desire to go to church will come naturally for him… eventually =/….. we’ll see. I pray so.

4. Hong Gil Dong!

It’s bad. I barely did any homework last week because I started watching Hong Gil Dong. It’s SO GOOD! Except, God rebuked me today (through the message at Harvest on Repentance) and I realized I was sinning because I devoted so much time watching it that I neglected to do my QTs and my homework. What’s awesome is that once I admitted that I was sinning against God, I don’t feel the need to keep watching Hong Gil Dong. It can wait.

5. My Second Encounter with a Drunk Person

So last Friday on Halloween, we had just came back from ACCESS at NU around 2AM. I decided to take a shower. I had a bad feeling that something was gunna happen while I was in the shower cuz our bathroom door is unlock and there were drunk people everywhere. But I got in anyway, and a guy from my floor walked in on me. I didn’t even hear him walk into the girls’ bathroom, but he was drunk. I was like, “What the fuck are you doing?!!” and he was like, “AHH! Where the fuck am I?” and he ran out. I was like, whatever, he’s just stupid and drunk. I was a lil mad. But anyway, now our girls’ bathroom is locked. Oh, and I went to that dude’s room and told him “I think you owe me an apology.” And he did. But now… it’s just awkward when I see him. =P

6. Lastly... I decided on Harvest (HMCC)!!

I actually decided last week, but this weekend just confirmed it. I'll put up another post on this cuz there's lots to say.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Sherry! Hooray for starting a blog in college too.

Hope everything's going well up at UIC. See you over Thanksgiving break?