Friday, April 17, 2009

FAIL. Mercy. Grace. Thanks.

I just wanna give some quick THANK YOUs to people who brightened my FAIL day even more than the sun did.

Thanks Carrie, for being my older sister. for realz.

Thanks Inhae, for staying up with me and trying to help me when I was super frustrated. seriously, thanks for being there. I'm afraid you'll have to put with more of this next year! ;)

Thanks Minhee, for giving me a hug in the morning. It gave me strength to face my teacher and reassured me things would be alright.

Thanks Stella, for the quick lunch and 5 minute convo.

Thanks Tia, for the quick hug. I love hugs!... well, at least from people I know.. preferably. haha....

Thanks PETER!! for letting me ride your long board and telling me to kick off my heels to skate around. seriously, that made my day! you have no idea. It was quite liberating.

Thanks Yoon Sun, for asking how I was doing. funnily, when you asked me that, I felt really cared for. ^__^

Thanks Min Hee, for getting me to run around outside because you LIED to me! hehe. I'm just playin'. it was fun.

Thanks Hyun Seo, for... being you.

I felt like a failure today. I pretty much was cuz I no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't write my paper due today. I ended up writing an email to my teacher to ask for an extension. The first thing she said to me in class was to stop worrying. I think she could see my frustration and tiredness on my face. but ya, I started to tear up after she said that. its silly, i know. but i couldnt help it. My fate was in her hands. I knew I didnt deserve an extension. I knew what I deserved was an F. Yet, she was so nice about it. She said she'd work with me to get through this. I dont deserve it. I'm a failure. All I could depend on was mercy and grace. sound familiar?

Thanks God, for this illustration of your mercy to me today, and the ULTIMATE grace through Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

DKim said...

you have been fearfully and perfectly made in Christ. there is no fail