Sunday, April 12, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Christ has risen INDEED! Now that lent is over, I'm back! well, sorta, I'm still too lazy to update my blog all the time, but I have AWESOME news that I just HAVE TO share about!

I went home last night, sorta last minute, but I felt like I needed to go home cuz during Good Friday Service at NU, I felt an enormous amount of sadness as P. Jimmy was praying for me and my family knowing that my dad was going to be home alone during Easter. even more so knowing that He hasn't accepted Christ as his Lord. As many of you know, there's some issues between my parents marriage that been rising up. it's been quite a roller coaster ride of emotions. I really have no idea what to do or say to my dad, but all i know is that he needs people in his life to point him toward Jesus, and I'm probably the closest person to him right now to do that. that's why I felt like I needed tobe home, especially in light of Easter.

I got home around 9:30pm, Dad picked me up, went home, and within 30minutes, my dad cooks up a feast: fish, pork chop, tofu, vegies, and miso soup. We talked... about a lot of things. But mainly, I encouraged him to turn to God in this time alone just as my mom has been turning to God and reading the bible and praying. He just said, yeah, I know I should. THEN, my dad and I called my mom and sister via Skype last night, and my parents saw each other for the first time since last september! I won't lie, it was kinda awkward. my parents don't know how to talk to each other, as weird as that sounds, they really don't. my sister talked about her job for the most part. but my mom and dad didnt really talk to each other. oh well. i was still happy.

So all this was saturday night. Come Sunday morning, I got an email from my sister telling me that MY MOM GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!! My mom didnt tell my sister either until sunday morning cuz she wanted for it to be a surprise. but she had been thinking about it for a while now apparently. but PRAISE GOD!!!! THEN... Dad and I went to church at CCMC! this wasn't the first time he's gone to CCMC, but today was the first time he stayed afterwards for lunch and talked to people! haha, this is very exciting for me (as little as it may be) cuz he REALLY needs a community right now. he needs some friends. he's lonely. better yet, he needs a Christian community to point him to Jesus. Hopefully he was able to make some connections through that. It was kinda hard to get him to go. He wanted to leave after service, but I really had to encourage him to go eat with people. haha, YAY! Success!!

So, my Easter morning started super well and it ended that way too as I celebrated Easter with my church family at HMCC. I went to Yoonsun's where they were cooking potatoes and corn. I didnt do much cuz I got there late. but Min Hee straightened my hair (it made me look 10x older! jk, maybe like a few yrs older). and then Stella and I went around CMW again inviting ppl out to service. no one came, but it was good letting ppl know there's a church on campus. THEN, came the Partay!! Easter Celebration was Awesome! It was really cool to see new faces: Susan, Tito, Aran, LJ, Angelo, Tess, Josh, Mike, Dan, Phelix, Matt. and all the HELPS ppl came too: Christy, Levina, David. Afterwards, we ate dinner at TBH. it was a great time of fellowship. a Happy Day indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh happy day!