Sunday, October 12, 2008


I never blogged before. Mainly because I don't want people to know my thoughts, my struggles, or how "uncool" I am in reality. I guess what I fear most about blogging is that people will judge me.

It's REALLY hard for me to share with people (my sister Carrie can tesitfy to that).

I'm not a writer, neither am I the deepest thinker. My thoughts are so random and my sentences don't fit. Who would wanna read my thoughts? oh well... hopefully somebody.

I admire those who blog. Who have the courage to put themselves out there for others to see, to read.

I guess I'm starting to blog now because I finally found some close friends that I feel I'm not being fair to by not sharing about my own struggles/thoughts with them. (I don't even know if that made any sense). But I also hope in the midst of sharing my struggles, I can share some of my victories, how God is working in my life, and hopefully bring encouragement to anyone who might read it.

My hope: that my daily life is a reflection of God's glory. Whether it be a bad day or good day... that people will see Him at work in me, through me, and around me.

Warning: I don't know how long I will keep up with this Blogging thing and I probably won't be consistent with this (cuz I'm lazy and don't like to sit in front my computer and type), but I'll try my best.

1 comment:

surletoit said...

it's okay even if you're lazy. whatever you feel like posting, do it.
let's keep each other accountable. :)