Monday, January 26, 2009

What To Do...

This past weekend and even now I've been thinking a lot of what to do in the summer. There's seriously so many things I can do. but I'm not sure what God wants me to do. HMCC if doing summer missions in Chicago this time. and i want to be apart of it because I really want to know the needs of this city and how i can serve the city. it's kinda the reason i came to UIC. to be IN the city and... iunno... I know there are so much need. but I don't know where or how. i havent gone out to volunteer at food pantries or homeless shelters. as UIC students, there are plenty of opportunities to do that. I just havent taken any of them. but anyway, I'm not sure what God is calling me to do. I need to pray more about it. please pray for me, and many people at HMCC who are still deciding as well.

AND the spring break trip to Louisiana of course. I want to go to that, too. Oy.... head hurting >.<


Unknown said...

What does 'Wo Shi Fo Jun Duh' mean?

Sherryberry said...

chinglish. I am fo realz. i think im gunna change it again.